- Rådhus morning
- Rådhuspladsen yellow arrow
- Rød Togbus, ringesnor
- Rødbedesaft
- Rømø Motor Festival 2017, cars
- Rømø Motor Festival 2017, race
- Rømø Motor Festival 2018, arrival
- Rømø Motor Festival 2018, milling around
- Rømø Motor Festival 2018, race
- SAS 737 Sunpillar
- Saab Museum
- Sad building
- Saggy pants, car version
- Same size?
- Samsung Galaxy Nexus vs. Motorola Moto G LTE
- Sand sculptures
- Sandsculptures evening
- Saturday at Dessertdragens Kageværksted
- Say bang!
- Scandinavian Motor Show 2013
- Scare Yourself album
- Scary insect
- Scary pumpkin
- Sculpture, Ofelia Plads
- Seagull'n'opera
- Seagulls that are mutters
- Selandia
- Self portrait
- Semi ad-hoc pissoir
- Sensommer-proteser 2013
- Sensommerproteser 2019
- Sensommerproteser 2021
- September proteser 2017
- Shadow pavement
- Shadows and decoration
- Shakin' Sigurd