
Amiga 2000

I found this Amiga 2000 in a pile of garbage, waiting to be removed.

1/20 This is the controller-card for one of the harddisks. It has a lot of chips saying "WD" - Western Digital? The actual disk has an "Epson" sticker.

2/20 Whoa, a Commodore A2620-expansion board!

3/20 Yes, it's an A2620, says so in the corner.

4/20 There are the Motorola-chips, 68020 and friends.

5/20 Supra controller and harddisk, all on one handy little full-length expansion card.

6/20 The other side of the Supra controller+Quantum harddisk. Notice the elegant liquorice cabling.

7/20 (c) 1989 Supra Corp

8/20 PC Emulator A2000. (c) 1986 Commodore.

9/20 There is the Siemens-produced Intel 8088. This box contains three CPUs! (Original Motorola 68000, expansion Motorola 68020 and this Intel 8088).

10/20 The less interesting side of the PC Emulator, BIOS, RAM and stuff, I presume.

11/20 Uh, some extra wires on the back of the PC Emulator - not the most finished design, it seems...

12/20 To round it off, an internal Supra modem - notice the membrane-speaker to the right.

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